发布时间: 2007-01-10     发布人:     访问次数: 991

To: Foreign Teachers of Sanjiang University
From: Foreign Affairs Office, Sanjiang University
Date: January 10, 2007
Subject: Winter Vocation
In the spirit of the contract, we are instructed by the university to inform you of the following:
1.        Winter Vocation is from 20 January to 24 February,
2.        Before the vocation, you need to conduct yourself as instructed from this office and the respective department where you work.
3.        For any extra working hours exceeding that is stipulated in the contract, you will be paid as outlined in the contract.
4.        Before you leave school for holiday after the beginning of the vocation, you are requested to submit a written notice to this office and copy it to the respective department, stating your possible travel destinations if you leave Nanjing.
5.        Please take care of your valuable items. Before you leave for holiday, please make sure the windows are shut and the power is off in your apartment.
6.        Please report to this office when you come back from the holiday on time.
1.       寒假为:1月20日至2月24日。
2.       在寒假之前,您应服从我处和您所在系的安排。
3.       如有超出合同的工作量,您都会得到相应报酬。
4.       在您离校度假之前,请将书面的外出留言分别交给我处和您所在的系。如果您要离开南京,请在留言条上写明您的去向。
5.       寒假期间,请您保管好自己的贵重物品,关好门窗、关闭电源。
6.       请按时返校,并及时到我处报到。